A Study on Marketing of Imitation Jewellery in Madurai City

  • C Vijayakumar M.Com, MBA, Ph.D, Associate Professor in Commerce, The American College, Madurai
  • R Kalyan Kumar M.Com, M.Phil. MBA, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Commerce, Caussanel College of Arts and Science, Ramanathapuram


The main purpose of the study is to determine the seller’s perception and attitude towards selling of imitation jewellery. Total 55 sellers in and around Madurai city have participated as respondents in this study. Sellers had an overall more positive motivation for selling Imitation Jewellery with regard to source of purchase, capital introduced in the business, cost of running the business and so on. The period of study was April and May 2015 and may be it is not generalized to other cities. The research hints that the sellers of limitations jewellery give more attention to its marketing strategy on enriching the attitude of buyer's towards purchase of limitation jewellery. This study fills a gap in the literature on selling of limitations jewellery in business research.

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