Factors Responsible for Conversion of Agricultural Land into Other Purposes in Tirunelveli District
Land is the mother of all factors and the source of all wealth on earth. The contribution of land for human living and welfare has been immense and valuable. The economic activities involving land and particularly cultivation are known as agriculture. Agri culture has been the primary sector of any economy from the time immemorial. The discusses how far the factors, especially the physical factors such as irrigation pattern, soil type, size of farm and rainfall level influence the conversion of agriculture lands of Tirunelveli district during the period of 2000-01 to 2009-10.In the present study the factors influencing conversion of agricultural lands in Tirunelveli district are classified into three, namely, (i) physical factors (ii) agro-biological (technical) factors and (iii) economic factors. The physical factors are analysed at the district level (macro level) and the economic and agrobiological factors (technical factors) are discussed at farm level (micro-level). The influence of physical factors in the conversion of Agricultural lands of the district during 2000-01 to 2009-10 are discussed with the help of secondary data.

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