Choice Based Credit System of Evaluation in Higher Education
The Education system in India has a proven history of excellence. The ability to engage in high-quality assessment has become a sine qua non for the college-level educator. CBCS (Choice Based Credit System) is the one the important and innovative method for evaluation or assessment of the students in higher education. CBCS provides flexibility in designing curriculum and assigning credits based on the course content and hours of teaching. The HEIs (Higher Educational Institutions) are currently following various methods for examination and assessment suitable for the courses and programmes as approved by their respective statutory bodies. In assessing the performance of the students in examinations, the usual approach is to award marks based on the examinations conducted at various stages in a semester. CBCS provides a cross-cultural learning environment. Implementation of CBCS has some Practical limitations. It is complicated, especially in the view of shortage of teachers or infrastructures. One subject can be repeated three times, it makes the students irresponsible. CBCS provide develop quality education. It upgrades educational and occupational aspiration of the upcoming generation.

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