The Critical Overlook on the Impact of Media in Indian Democracy

  • B Praveenkumar Independent Researcher, Advocate, Trichy
  • G Sharubini Student, SASTRA Deemed to be University, Thanjavur
Keywords: Democracy, Media, Constitutional Status, Administrators


Media is considered as the fourth estate in modern democracies because of its role in generating public awareness, shaping public opinion and forming popular perceptions. In India the role of media seems to score very low in various dimensions. Media organizations are generally assumed to play an important role in a democracy, but how effective are they in performing this function is a matter of study. Media is a primary institution between the people and policy makers. Some people believe that not all media is objective and, in some cases, show bias in reporting by either covering something it does not want the public to know or covering something in perhaps much greater detail than might be necessary. Our free press protected by the first constitutional amendment, plays a critical role in ensuring that every Indian has constant access to important and trustworthy news. Most people rely on the media for all or most of their information regarding policiesand other necessaries. The power of Media can be used to reinforce democracy. It can be used as an instrument to bridge between administrators and thepeople who are governed. The impact of media as a platform of nation building through political, social, economic and cultural democracy emphasised on this Paper.

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