Women’s Education in Madras State

  • A Chitra Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of History, Government Arts College (Men) Krishnagi, Tamilnadu, India
Keywords: Women education, Primary education, secondary education and higher education and status, society


Lack of educational facilities, child marriages, prohibition of widow remarriages, prevalence of Devadasi system, etc. were some of the social factors responsible for the low status and misery of women who were reduced to the position of glorified slaves but industrialisation and urbanisation in the state made significant development in the areas of women's education  and social status in society, none in their own estimation. They were more like puppets which move when someone else pulls the strings, than individual human being with minds of their own. The position of women, a vital part of the society, has also undergone a change. These are unmistakable signs that traditional conceptions ii regarding the status and role of women are slowly changing in contemporary India, particularly in the urban sector of the society.

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