A Survey on Various Attacks and Countermeasures in Wireless Sensor Networks
The Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is an evolving technological base comprising spatially dispersed, autonomous tiny sensing devices called nodes. Today, wireless sensor networks are not exclusively limited to military uses such as frontline surveillance. However, they are still used in various industrial and civilian applications, including industrial process tracking and operation, robotic health monitoring, vibration and flame monitoring, healthcare systems, home automation, and traffic management. Nodes, such as temperature, hermetic, vibration, pressure, leisure seizure, or pollutant parameters, are deployed independently to cooperatively control mammal or environmental conditions. The compulsion of security issues occurs in the Wireless Sensor Network to be accepted with complete zip honesty, confidentiality, authentication during contact. In this paper, we analyze the security criteria, internal and external security threats and attacks that can be done, and the mechanism used in the Wireless Sensor Network to address such security issues.
Copyright (c) 2021 A P Thangamuthu
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