Flipped Classroom Instruction Model to Enhance Listening Skills

  • J Syndhya Assistant Professor, St. Mary’s Centenary Degree College, Secunderabad, Telangana, India
  • Sruthi Sri Raja Assistant Professor, St. Mary’s Centenary Degree College, Secunderabad, Telangana, India
Keywords: Flipped Classroom, ELT, Blended Learning, Teaching Poem, Hybrid Teaching Methodology


This study is aimed at delineating the effectiveness of implementing flipped classroom learning models and analyzing the impact of this learning model on students’ listening ability. This study was conducted in the second year BBA class, at St. Mary’s Centenary Degree College, Secunderabad. The participants of this study were 45 students of general English Class. This study is designed as a descriptive qualitative research. The data obtained were based on observation, questionnaire and interview. Initially, observation techniques were used to gain information on how flipped classroom learning models were implemented. Secondly, questionnaires consisting of 15 open-ended statements were given to each participant to gain information about the impact of flipped classroom learning model toward students’ satisfaction. Finally, an interview was administered to strengthen the data of the questionnaire. The results of this study were that the flipped classroom learning model has been well - implemented in teaching the poem “As I grew Older” implicitly enhancing the listening skills. In addition, it was also found that this learning mode broke the physical limitation between students and lecturers. Another important result of this study was the improved motivational level and satisfaction from the end of the students and lecturers. Moreover, it was also found that flipped classrooms were difficult to implement in this classroom. However, it promoted self-directed learning and resulted in improved listening ability of the ESL learners once the learners were motivated. 

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