Significant Factors of Job Satisfaction among the Library Professionals in Tamilnadu: A Study

  • J Arumugam Librarian, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • L Radha Librarian, Thiagararajar College of Engineering, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Library Professionals, Job Satisfaction, Promotion, Recognition


Library professionals play a vital role in supporting learning, research, and community development. Job satisfaction is important for these professionals as it can affect their motivation, productivity, and overall well-being. The researcher aims to evaluate the various job satisfaction factors among the library professionals in Tamilnadu. Data were collected through survey questionnaire method among the 150 library professionals and analysed using Principle Component analysis, Rotated component matrix and SPSS. This study resulted that 50% of the library professionals are satisfied with the salary, 48.2% of the respondents were satisfied with the promotion criteria, 45 % of the library professionals were happy about the job security, 69.8 % were felt the good relationship of the employer and the higher recognition.

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