Enhancing Voter Turnout: A Comprehensive Analysis of Recent Initiatives by the Election Commission of India

  • AC Mahendra Assistant Professor of Political Science, Government First Grade College, Kuderu, Chamarajanagara Tq and District
Keywords: Election Commission of India, Voter Turnout, Know Your Polling Booth, Voter Accessibility, Electoral Reforms, Vote From Home, Sakhi Booths


This article critically examines the recent initiatives implemented by the Election Commission of India (ECI) to improve voter turnout in national and state elections. By incorporating innovative technological solutions like the “Know Your Polling Booth” (KYPB) application, the “Know Your Parking Area” feature, and the real-time “Polling Booth Line Status” updates, alongside targeted interventions for marginalized groups such as “Vote from Home” for elderly and disabled voters, and “Sakhi Booths” for women, the ECI has undertaken significant reforms to facilitate greater voter participation. This study integrates both qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate the success of these initiatives, using surveys, electoral data, and expert interviews. The paper concludes that while these innovations have improved voter access and convenience, certain gaps remain, particularly in rural and economically disadvantaged areas.

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