Putting Husband Through (PHT): A Young Wife Jaya in a Long Island – A Glance at Shashi Deshpande’s that Long Silence

  • M Narmadhaa Ph.D Research Scholar, National College, Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Feminity, Mutedness, Dispiritedness, cohesion, Soul-destroying, Convolution


It is clear that patriarchal society keeps women to be noiseless. In addition, male centric society woman has drawn woman to be silent that is expecting her to remain and exist by showing “That Long Silence”. The paper analysis Shashi Deshpande‟s Jaya in That Long Silence is expected to be true feminine she is expected not to show her rebellion on any account. In other words she has to act more on feminine and make marriage more exciting. But, the paper for the study proves that she has a voice, and it reveals, ‟I want something more than my husband and my children and my home‟

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