Relationship Among Coping, Defense Mechanisms, and Mental Health in Adolescents

  • V G Githin Research Scholar in Department of Psychology, University of Kerala, Kerala, India
  • S V Vimal Kumar M.Phil Scholar in NIMHANS Banglore, Karnataka, India
  • J Jasseer Assistant Professor & HOD, Department of Psychology, University of Kerala, Kerala, India
Keywords: Mental Health, Coping, Defence Mechanisms


The present study was an attempt to study the relationships among different coping strategies, defense styles and mental health in adolescents. This study was initiated in the context of understanding different means of mental health through searching the conscious and unconscious effort of individuals in dealing with stress. The participants of the study were a randomly chosen one consisting of 120 adolescents whose age’s ranges from 13 to 18 years. The variables were measured using different questionnaires like Mental Health Status scale, Defense Style Questionnaire, and coping strategies scale. The study concluded that there was relationship between the study variables.

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