Money Matters: Economic Concerns in Ruskin Bond’s Delhi is Not Far

  • Amrutha Mohan Independent Researcher, MA (2014-16), Institute of English (University of Kerala), Kerala, India
Keywords: Commodity, Economy, Money, Power, Town, Unemployment


Ruskin Bond is one of the most popular literary figures in Indo-Anglian literature. His novella Delhi Is Not Far is a skillful weaving of myriad lives together and is settled in town of Pipalnagar. The story revolves around Arun, an aspiring writer who dreams to find better prospects in Delhi. The story also narrates how Arun, who is adrift as a logwood without family, establishes an unusual bond of love with Suraj and Kamla. The unemployment of educated youth that is engulfing India has been evoked as a key issue in the novella. The transactions, circulations and scarcity of money play a significant role in the narrative. The text can therefore be reinterpreted on the basis of economical lines. The paper tries to analyse the role of money in the fiction.

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