Studies on Plankton Diversity of Tuticorin Mangrove Ecosystem
Investigation on phytoplankton and zooplankton diversity of the mangrove environs of the Gulf of Mannar biosphere reserve, in specific to Karapad Bay and Korampallam Creek of Tuticorin was carried out from March 2010 to February 2011. Regular monthly samples were collected from the study area and were subjected to plankton identification and biomass estimation. From this one year study, a total of 14 phytoplankton and 12 zooplankton species were evidenced.Thallasiothrix sp., Rhizosolenia sp. and Cossinodiscus sp. were the dominant forms of phytoplanktons from the study area. The maximum number of phytoplanktons wasrecordedas242.36 cells /l at Korampallam creek during April 2010.

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