Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities <p>P-ISSN: 2321-788X | E-ISSN: 2582-0397</p> Shanlax Journals en-US Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities 2321-788X Phytochemical Analysis and Evaluation of Antifungal Properties of Eucalyptus Oil against Candida Species <p>This study aimed to investigate the phytochemical composition of eucalyptus oil and evaluate its antifungal properties against Candida species. Qualitative phytochemical analysis revealed the presence of various compounds, including carbohydrates, flavonoids, phenols, proteins, quinones, saponins, and tannins. Flavonoids were found to have the highest concentration, followed by tannins and polyphenols. GC-MS analysis identified several compounds in eucalyptus oil, including 2,3-Diamino-2-cyanosuccinonitrile as a major component. Antifungal assays demonstrated that eucalyptus oil inhibited the growth of Candida albigans, Candida tropicalis and Candida kefyr, with varying degrees of inhibition depending on the concentration used. The antifungal activity may be attributed to the presence of bioactive compounds such as 1-Butyne, 3-methyl-, 1-Hexen-4-ol, 1-chloro-3-methyl, N-(Methylphenylamino) methyl) benzamide. Further studies are required to explore the specific role and potential benefits of the identified compounds in eucalyptus oil and to evaluate the effectiveness of eucalyptus oil as an antifungal agent in clinical settings.</p> Devika Nagappan Madhavan Sivaraj Sivamani Periyasamy Ashok Kamalanathan Balasubramanian Gnanavel Baskaran Chinnappan ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 1 15 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7699 The Cultural Aspect of the Mauritian Copyright Law: A Tool for Promoting Cultural Diversity? <p>Scholarly interest in the connection between cultural diversity and copyright law has grown. This article looks at the cultural implications of copyright laws in Mauritius and considers how they may be used to support cultural diversity. Mauritius has made great strides in its social and economic development, but little is known about the cultural implications of its copyright laws. By offering a thorough examination of the cultural provisions of Mauritius copyright law and evaluating its effects on the preservation and advancement of cultural variety in Mauritius, this paper seeks to address this gap. The results show that Mauritius’ copyright system needs to be more adaptable, transparent, easy to update, and sufficiently flexible to adjust to the evolving needs of its authors, users, and cultural environment.</p> Gerard Louise Kumar Dookhitram Michael Blakeney Patrick Allen ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 16 22 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7706 The Profile of Young Diverse Learners in Academic Background: A Scoping Review based on Social Intelligence <p>An essential element in a learner’s educational development is social intelligence. It gives us the ability to know ourselves and others, and is as essential an aspect of experience as the ability to perceive things. The main focus of this review study is social intelligence in relation to the academic background and personal identity (diversity or social identity) of young and diverse learners. This review focuses on the social intelligence of learners; their behavior patterns, gender, socio-economic status, parental profile, socio-economic status, and their ethnic background and especially the social intelligence of learners with disabilities. This allows educators to help learners with social intelligence disadvantages develop healthy interactions with their peers. Even though many studies have been conducted on the social intelligence of learners with various personal identities, but this study uniquely supports the social intelligence of young learners with emphasis on demographic characteristics. Overall, strategies for maintaining healthy social intelligence can be developed to meet the individual needs of learners. This strategy also addresses the identified issues, taking into account the different needs of the learners. This study result will reveals a crisp and concept clarity on the basis of social intelligence of young learners, induces the young community to pass over their schooling with sound knowledge with the assistance of authorities.</p> G Panneerselvam ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 23 30 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7595 A Study on the Classification of All Simple Commutative Near-Rings upto Isomorphism <p>This research paper aims to classify all simple commutative Near-Rings up to isomorphism, which are rings with no zero divisors and no ideals containing a nonzero element that is not prime ideal. The authors use various techniques from algebraic number theory and representation theory of semi simple algebras to construct representations of these rings over the integers or rational numbers. They also provide examples showing how these classes can be distinguished by their algebraic properties, such as whether they are PID (prime idempotent domain), zero-divisorless, or have ideals containing elements with prime index. The study contributes new results and insights into the classification of near-rings, which has implications for other areas of abstract algebra and number theory.</p> E Thambiraja ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 31 39 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7764 Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning Algorithm: A Review <p>Compared to broad sentiment analysis, aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), which aims to predict the sentiment polarities of the designated features or entities in text, can produce more precise results. Product reviews and social media comments are examples of texts that can be used to identify and analyze sentiments. Another type of text analysis is known as sentiment analysis subtask, or ABSA. Deep learning methods have demonstrated efficacy in managing the intricacy of natural language and obtaining subtle emotions linked to many facets of a good or service. Deep learning has become increasingly popular in many applications, and in recent years, both the academic and industry communities have given ABSA a great deal of attention. Overall, ABSA’s deep learning efforts have been successful in advancing sentiment analysis skills, which has given rise to important insights into how consumers view and respond to various features of goods and services. Deep learning-based methods are probably going to have a big impact on how sentiment analysis apps develop in the future as technology keeps developing. The size of the dataset, the task’s difficulty, and the computer resources available all play a role in the deep learning method selection. To attain optimal performance, many state-of-the-art ABSA models pretrain on huge corpora and then fine-tune on task-specific datasets.</p> M Umamaheswari P Ranjana ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 40 45 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7828 Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) and Academic Outcomes: Teacher Support during Classroom Interactions <p>Social and emotional learning (SEL) is crucial for children’s development of social and emotional skills, including relationships, communication, decision-making, self-esteem, and behavior. It can help reduce the attainment gap between slow-learners and their peers. The study examines the relationship between social-emotional learning (SEL), Academic Outcome and the social dimensions of teacher support during classroom interactions, based on Lev Vygotsky’s socio-cultural learning theory. Vygotsky’s theory suggests that empathy and the ability to articulate thoughts are crucial for deep learning. The study aims to understand the perceived levels of social dimensions in terms of belongingness at school, social learning experiences, and relationships with teachers, peers, and parents. The study also seeks to determine if there is a significant relationship between SEL and academic outcomes and teacher support during classroom interactions. It comes to light that by actively scaffolding classroom interactions and integrating social-emotional learning into the regular academic schedule, teachers can support their students.</p> P Pratheesh Zita Francis ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 46 53 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7488 Mathematical Inscriptions on Copper Plates in Tamil Nadu: A Study of Numerical Notations, Calculation Methods, and Economic Implications <p>Mathematical inscriptions on copper plates found in Tamil Nadu provide valuable insights into the<br>numerical notations, calculation methods, and economic activities of ancient South India. This research<br>paper aims to analyze and interpret these inscriptions to understand the mathematical techniques employed by ancient Tamil societies for accounting, taxation, land measurement, and trade. By examining the content and context of mathematical inscriptions on copper plates, this study seeks to illuminate the mathematical literacy, computational skills, and economic sophistication of ancient Tamil Nadu. Additionally, the paper will explore the implications of these findings for our broader understanding of mathematical history, economic development, and cultural exchange in ancient South India.</p> R Kavitha V Durga A Deepthi Sharma ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 54 59 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7621 Select Copper-Plate Inscriptions of Sri Arunachaleswarar Temple, Tiruvannamalai - A Layman’s Perspective <p>Sri Arunachaleswarar temple at Tiruvannamalai is one of the Pancha Bhuta sthalas or the five abodes of Lord Siva each representing one of the five elements of nature. Arunachaleswarar is the Agni lingam representing the fire element of nature. The temple is located at the foothills of the mountain Arunacala/Annamalai which itself is considered as the ‘Tejo-linga’, the aniconic form of Lord Siva. The bustling temple town is well known for the famous Karttikai dipam festival and the giripradakṣina (circumambulation of the hill) during the full-moon days. The administrative structure, variety of taxes collected, public works and relief measures undertaken by the temple are all registered in the inscriptions. In addition to the inscriptions on the walls of the temple there are eight copper-plate inscriptions out of which four are in the possession of the temple dēvasthānam. This paper is an attempt to understand the contents in these four copper-plate inscriptions from a layman’s point of view.</p> S Nithya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 60 64 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7622 Countering the Hate Design - Facilitating Peace and Harmony <p>Communal riots generally happen due to the previous existence of a communal ideology in the society. The hard-core communalists are hate mongers who, by their fiery speeches and provocative statements create a situation which is very conducive for riots o break. The role of the police during communal riots has not been found to be very satisfactory. But, in spite of all odds, there have been people, bodies and organisations which have exhibited compassion and courage during riots and have saved the lives of people. Such people and organisations are role-models who need to be emulated. In riots, the leadership of the police is very crucial. The Indian Police Service officers need to exhibit more of courage, boldness and grit in helping the poor and the victims of riots. A new riot control culture has to develop. The responsibility of maintaining communal harmony lies with all sections of people and organisations. Each of us need to contribute our might to combat the design of Hate and facilitate Peace and Harmony.</p> Shahbaz Ahmad ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 65 69 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7814 Competence Augmentation Drives Workforce Efficiency <p>Skill Development refers to the process of acquiring and enhancing competencies, knowledge and abilities that enable workers to perform specific tasks effectively. It helps personnel adapt to changing job requirements with innovation and contributes to organizational success. It facilitates a cycle of high productivity, increased employment opportunities, improved job satisfaction, enhanced adaptability to new technologies, income growth, and development. In this juncture, employee retention rates also uplifted. A healthy working climate viz. openness, trust, and collaboration is indeed need for developing human resources are the responsibilities of every organization. This paper narrates the importance of skill development and the ways and means to increase workforce productivity in the competitive digitalized era.</p> S Kartheeswari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 70 78 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7824 Copper Plates: An Inevitable Source Material to Reconstruct the Hineage and Historicism of the Pallavas <p>The Pallavas rose to power in the Krishna-Guntur region after the fall of the Ikshvakus of Vijayapuri. They moved further south and established their capital at Kanchipuram in Thondaimandalam, which forms the northern part of Tamil Nadu and ruled from there for nearly six centuries from the middle of 3rd century A.D. to the first decade of the 10th century A.D. There were many debates among scholars regarding the origin of the Pallavas. Prof. S. Krishnaswamy Aiyangar also refuted the theories of the foreign origin of Pallavas and says that the two terms Pallava and Pahlava refer to historically different people and draws his support from a ninth century work Kavyamimamsa. The Hirahadagalli plates issued during the eigth regnal years of Sivaskandavarman &lt; I (330 A.D.-350 A.D.) seem to hint at the imperial status attained by him after the overthrow of the Ikshvakus, as known from his title dharmamaharajadhiraja and the performance of vajapeya and asvamedha sacrifices. Regarding the rise of Pallavas as an independent power, Dr. T. V. Mahalingam relies on the account mentioned in the Velurpalaiyam plates of Nandivarman III (846 to 869 A.D.), and says that ‘considering the political situation during the aftermath of the fall of the S~atavahana power, it is not unlikely that Virakurca by a matrimonial alliance with the Cut/u-Nagas of Vanavasi was able to become an independent ruler’. The Velurpalayam plates of Nandivarman &lt; III credit Kumaravishnu II and his son Buddhavarman &lt; to have regained Kanchi from the Telugu-Cholas, who seem to have defeated the Pallavas and occupied Kanchi for some time during the early days of the reign of Kumaravishnu II. According to the Honnur plates of Chalukya Vikramaditya I, dated in his 16 regnal years (670 A.D.-671 A.D.), he camped in Malliyur on his way to Kanchipuram and with the help of the Gangas of Talakkad defeated the Pallavas.</p> S Meenakshi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 79 84 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7831 Inner Pulchritude is Immortal: Maya Angelou’s Phenomenal Woman <p>Maya Angelou is the most predominant African American post colonial feminist in the Contemporary era. Angelou’s writing sketch the significance of redefining physical beauty among male-dominated society. She brought massive changes in American Community being a proud soul hearted woman. She always pin points the issues of racism and emancipation of female feelings through her writings. Angelou’s ‘Phenomenal Woman’ is an epoch making poem and have discussed the inner pulchritude of woman. Her inner beauty is more vital and proudly called herself as phenomenally phenomenal woman. Conversely, Angelou condemns the racial imbalance between white and black community in America. This paper vividly depicts that how a woman can be optimistic always in her life.</p> P Nithya R Sathyapriya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 85 88 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7865 Towards Freedom: A Critical Analysis of Sarojini Naidu’s Poem Coromandel Fishers <p>This paper takes a unique approach to the profound metaphors of the sea, fish, and fishermen in Sarojini Naidu’s poem ‘Coromandel Fishers’, which she masterfully uses to symbolise the Indian Independence movement. By meticulously dissecting the figurative language interwoven throughout the poem, the researcher unveils the poet’s spiritual and philosophical ideals, artfully blended with metaphor and myth. The analysis draws a compelling parallel between the fisherfolk and the art of fishing to the freedom fighters and the broader freedom movement, offering a fresh and thought provoking perspective that will stimulate new insights into India’s struggle for independence.</p> R Mizpah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 89 93 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7820 Unveiling the Legacy of Pandit Karuppan: A Critical Analysis of Jathikkummi and Balakalesam in Kerala’s Social Reform Movement <p>The paper entitled Unveiling the Legacy of Pandit Karuppan: A Critical Analysis of Jathikkummi and Balakalesam in Kerala’s Social Reform Movement delves into the profound impact of two seminal works, Jathikummi and Balakalesam, in catalyzing a transformative shift within the social fabric of Kerala. Emerging as responses to the entrenched caste system prevalent in Kerala society, these works served as significant milestones in the broader context of social reform movements in the region. Jathikummi and Balakalesam, attributed to Pandit Karuppan, epitomize the spirit of resistance against caste-based oppression, advocating for the rights and dignity of marginalized communities. Through a comprehensive examination of historical records, literary analyses, and socio-political contexts, this paper elucidates the multifaceted dimensions of these revolutionary texts. It explores the socio-cultural landscape of Kerala during the time of their inception, highlighting the pervasive influence of caste hierarchy on various aspects of life. Furthermore, it investigates the strategies employed Pandit Karuppan to challenge existing norms and ignite conversations around social equality and justice. Central to the discussion are the themes of education, empowerment, and collective mobilization elucidated in Jathikummi and Balakalesam. These works not only served as instruments of consciousness-raising but also as blueprints for practical activism aimed at dismantling caste-based discrimination and oppression. By critically engaging with these works, we gain valuable insights into the complexities of caste dynamics and the ongoing struggle for inclusive and egalitarian societies.</p> B Jyothish Kumar ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-07-01 2024-07-01 12 1 94 99 10.34293/sijash.v12i1.7637