Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities <p>P-ISSN: 2321-788X | E-ISSN: 2582-0397</p> en-US (Shanlax Journals) Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Determinants for Rural Households Willingness to Pay for Community Based Health Insurance: The case of Boloso Sore District in Woliata Zone, South Ethiopia, Ethiopia <p>Transforming health system of rural households through Community Based Health Insurance package is one of the interventions by the government of Ethiopia to address rural community. However, majority of rural households not enrolled in community based health insurance program in Boloso Sore district. This study, thus designed to assess the existing situation of households WTP and to assess factors determining WTP for CBHI in Boloso Sore district. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected from sampled households for analysis. The data were collected from both primary and secondary data sources. To do so, semi-structured household interview questions and check lists were developed and conducted with sampled respondents. Descriptive statistics employed following econometric analysis of the data collected from 386 households selected using simple random sampling from nine Kebeles of Boloso Sore district. Binary logit regression analysis showed that age, education level, employment status, saving practice, land size, distance to health facility and access to health education have positive and significant association with WTP for CBHIs. Therefore, the findings indicated that health education, saving practices and road facility need to be promoted by the government to improve CBHIs of the rural community.</p> Amanuel Atile, Nega Mathewos, Sagarika Mohanty, Naomy Nasambu Simiyu, Marisennayya Senapathy ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evidence of Online Radicalization Mechanisms in ‘X’ Platform during the Death of Indian CDS Bipin Rawat <p>The sudden and tragic demise of General Bipin Rawat, India’s Chief of Defence Staff, triggered discussions, and emotions on social media platforms, with Twitter (now X) emerging as a prominent battleground for public discourse. A sentiment analysis was done, to assess the discourse on Twitter during this critical period and revealed that Twitter became a polarized space, with both supportive and critical voices, expressing their views on the deceased General. The study discusses how the microbloggers were radicalized by extremist ideologies and political motivations and exploited the situation to amplify their agendas. To understand this process, the 12 mechanisms of political radicalization stated by McCauley &amp; Moscalenko is used as a tool for analysis. Understanding the process of online radicalization during Bipin Rawat’s death is crucial for policymakers to counter the spread of extremist ideologies on online platforms. This research contributes to the broader discourse on the intersection of social media and radicalization, emphasizing the importance of propagating facts and peace journalism to counter fake news and hate speech.</p> T Vedhavarshini, M Neelamalar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 E-Learning in Higher Education amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Opportunities Faced by the Students of the University of Delhi <p>The year 2020 witnessed the outbreak of Covid-19, a disease caused by SARS-COV-2 virus. After the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared it a Pandemic, several counties decided to shut down all activities as a consequence of a health emergency. The virus had severely impacted more than 157 crore students across 191 countries around the world. The pandemic shook the normalcy in every sphere of life and forced the closure of educational institutions, including schools, colleges, and Universities across the world. The crisis left the educational institutions with no other option but to resort to distance learning. Hence, ‘E-learning’ emerged as the new normal for the teaching fraternity. With rampant use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), a new reality of virtual teaching and learning has dawned with an escalated penetration of online activities. Webinar and Faculty Development Programmes were organised by various colleges to acquaint the teachers with various digital platforms that could be used as an alternative to the physical, face-to-face teaching-learning among the students of the University of Delhi. Education combined with technology offers numerous opportunities in terms of efficiency but at the same time poses challenges ranging from technical, social, logistical issues to attitudinal changes. A self-structured questionnaire-based study has been conducted. Data has been collected from the students enrolled in the various programmes of the University of Delhi. The aim of the study is to analyse the effectiveness of virtual teaching and assessment methods, and also its impact on the physical and financial health of the students. Statistical tools such as Descriptive statistics, Reliability Analysis, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one sample t-test and non-parametric hypothesis testing have been applied to achieve the results of the study. The findings suggest that Covid-19 has opened up the educational environment, and acceptability to E-learning in the Indian Context. E-learning has also emerged as a window of opportunity for EdTech start-ups, and such tools can provide a feasible solution, however, they cannot completely substitute the conventional face-to-face interaction-based learning, keeping in mind the various technological, social and economic and health factors that act as a barrier in effective teaching- learning process.</p> Vibha Mathur, Priyanka Marwah ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Globalisation in Cultural Identity <p>Globalisation allows all human beings in many countries to gain easier access to foreign knowledge and also helps to spread the knowledge and technology across the world. Globalisation is how the world has been made more connected with trade and technology and become more inter dependent place. Cultural Identity is a component of every single human’s identity which are specific, distinct identities of people to that particular region. Culture is universal one to all types of people which shares knowledge, practices, beliefs, and rituals that are transmitted socially. Culture is a strong and important element in the life style of human. Gender identity in culture influences dress code, profession, manner of approach to things, personal relationships and so on. Language is the essential and main constituent of Culture. Culture shapes the language on the other hand the language reflects the culture.</p> S Subbulakshmi ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Social Impact of SHG among Rural Women <p style="text-align: justify; text-justify: inter-ideograph; line-height: normal;">A self-help group comprises rural individuals who have willingly organized themselves into a collective to systematically address and alleviate poverty among its members. The main aim of self-help groups is empowering women and enlightening their lives by working together and helping each other. The invisibility of women makes them weak and helpless in monitoring their family decisions. Self-help groups (SHGs) have the potential to serve as hubs for women’s empowerment, disseminating benefits throughout society. They can effectively organize and combat social issues such as alcoholism, domestic violence against women and children, abuse and exploitation, gender bias, and social exclusion. Ultimately, individuals reach a juncture where they can choose between enduring social, economic, and cultural impoverishment or mobilizing to eliminate their deprivations. The concept of self-help groups is designed to harness their potential as a potent instrument for alleviating rural poverty through the empowerment of women. It’s important to note that women’s empowerment, while a significant aspect, is not the exclusive objective in itself.</p> T Alamelu, C Subramanian ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Crossing the Threshold: Empowering Gender in Marathi Cinema <p>Cinema, besides being a medium of entertainment, has been used to represent the evils in the society and awaken the masses from their pretentious sleep by mirroring the social realities around. Meeting the requirements of changing time and space, the objectives of cinema in the world has been in the constant process of transformations. The objective of this paper is to presents such transformations that took place through various film movements in world cinema. The paper is intended to discuss how gender as a taboo was present in the earlier cinema in India and how Bollywood came over such social taboos over a period of time. After the initial hurdles, Marathi cinema, coming out of the frames, has contributed in reshaping the traditional conservative ideas leading to social gender norms. The Marathi films on gender make a strong statement, sometimes being within the confines of social moral codes and at times crossing the thresholds of such patriarchal moral codes. The gender resistance leading to the crossing of the male-defined threshold is discussed by analysing two Marathi films i.e. Jabbar Patel’s Umbartha (1981) and Sanjay Surkar’s Gharabaher (1999).</p> Chandoba Narsing Balande, Balaji Ranganathan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sensory Evaluation and Cost Analysis of Products Made from Locally Available Vegetable Tindora (Ivy Gourd) <p>This abstract explores the potential benefits of value-added products made from ivy gourd&nbsp;(Coccinia grandis). Ivy gourd, a tropical vegetable, possesses nutritional and medicinal attributes.&nbsp;The study explains about Ivy gourd powder incorporated diversified food products like pancake,&nbsp;boba and paneer. This ivy gourd powder extract is rich in antioxidants. Evaluation of sensory&nbsp;attributes and cost analysis will contribute to understand the viability of these products in promoting&nbsp;health and culinary diversity. This research aims to enhance the utilization of locally available ivy&nbsp;gourd, offering sustainable alternatives food to school going children.</p> S M Prasad, S Nashrin Nihara, K M Noorul Rahmani, S Rahumath Shini, A S Sumaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Portrayal of African-American Women in Art and Literature during the Harlem Renaissance <p>The portrayal of African-American women in art and literature during the Harlem Renaissance&nbsp;was groundbreaking and empowering. Artists and writers sought to challenge stereotypes and&nbsp;present a more nuanced and authentic representation of black women’s experiences. The Harlem&nbsp;Renaissance, a cultural and artistic movement that occurred in the 1920s and 1930s, was a&nbsp;pivotal period in shaping the portrayal of African-American women in art and literature. Artists&nbsp;and writers sought to challenge stereotypes and present a more nuanced representation of black&nbsp;women’s experiences. Their work celebrated the strength, resilience, and beauty of African-&nbsp;American women, highlighting their contributions to society and their struggles for equality. This&nbsp;shift in representation not only profoundly impacted the perception of African-American women&nbsp;within society but also inspired future generations to embrace their identities and fight for social&nbsp;justice. The present article examines the dynamic ways in which African-American women were<br>depicted during this transformative period, exploring key artists and writers who challenged&nbsp;stereotypes, celebrated identity, and contributed to a rich cultural tapestry. The art and literature&nbsp;produced during the Harlem Renaissance served as a catalyst for change, encouraging African-&nbsp;American women to assert their voices and demand recognition for their unique perspectives and&nbsp;experiences. Their works not only celebrated their heritage and individuality but also shed light on&nbsp;the intersectionality of race, gender, and class in their experiences. This newfound empowerment&nbsp;allowed African-American women to become agents of change, sparking conversations about&nbsp;racial equality and paving the way for future movements such as the Civil Rights Movement.&nbsp;The Harlem Renaissance provided African-American women with a platform to express their&nbsp;unique perspectives and experiences, breaking free from societal constraints and challenging<br>stereotypes. They faced numerous challenges, including navigating racial and gender biases within&nbsp;the art world, combating stereotypes perpetuated by mainstream media, and contending with&nbsp;the double marginalization of being both African-American and female. Their accomplishments&nbsp;and contributions continue to resonate today, reminding us of the importance of amplifying&nbsp;marginalized voices in shaping a more equitable society. This article delves into the portrayal&nbsp;of African-American women in art and literature during the Harlem Renaissance, exploring the&nbsp;challenges they faced, the power of their artistic expressions, and their enduring legacy in shaping&nbsp;the cultural landscape.</p> Adama Bah, Fatoumata Keïta ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Srimad Bhagawat Gita and its Relationship to Other Religious Writings <p>One of the most remarkable stories ever written in India, the Mahabharata touches on many&nbsp;different facets of human existence. The novel imparts various ethical principles pertinent to our&nbsp;contemporary mechanistic culture. The teaching conveys that Dharma consistently prevails over&nbsp;Adharma. We must align ourselves with the principles of Dharma and exert our efforts towards&nbsp;achieving greatness. The combination of our impatience and intense desire will ultimately erode&nbsp;our state of calmness and lead to our downfall. This excerpt from the Mahabharata offers a glimpse&nbsp;into the inevitability of Dharma-yuddha, highlighting Arjuna’s perplexity at the beginning of the&nbsp;struggle and the subsequent resolution provide d by Master Krishna. The Bhagavad Gita is a&nbsp;conversation between Arjuna and the sovereign Krishna. An analysis is conducted on particular&nbsp;sections of the Bhagavad Gita, and their similarities and differences are examined with other&nbsp;religious texts.</p> Pramila Ramani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Role of Technological Knowledge in Remote Learning/E-Learning: Exploring the Post-Pandemic Scenario of the Tertiary-Level Students of Bangladesh <p>The study aims to look into students’ technological knowledge from the perspective of academia. The<br>study tried to find out the advantages the students enjoy due to having the essential technological&nbsp;skills and the problems students faced during the online classes for requiring more skills. The&nbsp;results of this study look at the tech skills one should develop for an effective and smooth teachinglearning&nbsp;process. The recent pandemic has had a considerable impact on the studies of graduate&nbsp;students and has made it mandatory to have technological knowledge to conduct studies. Data have&nbsp;been collected through a quantitative approach.</p> Md. Saiful Islam, Shayla Akter ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Assessment of Engraving on Plaster and its Designs in Herat <p>The craft and art of plastering has played an important role in internal and external spaces of historical and modern constructive components. This elegant industry is always flaunted on walls and ceilings to take part in decoration of the monument. Plastering is another field of decorative, which is used along with other kinds of decorative arts such as tile, sculpture and woodcarving, that are often over seen in modern and classic buildings nowadays. Goal: The assessment is on cornice engraving methods and its designs in Herat Buildings and complexes. This article stated various methods of engraving on gypsum, as well as designs applied by this art and craft in Herat buildings in a clear and comprehensive way. The research method is based on library and field studies. In library methods the focus is on using of authentic scientific reference books and field studies methods is an emphasis on observation and taking photos of gypsum decorations by the researcher, applied on modern and classic buildings of Herat. And finally the results of the study show that art and craft of plastering in Herat buildings and complexes has been applied in various positions by different methods while containing variable decorative elements.</p> Ghulam Hazrat Hassas ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Study on the Evolution of Fire and Rescue Services in Tamil Nadu <p>This study provides a comprehensive examination of the evolution of Fire and Rescue Services in Tamil Nadu, reflecting the state’s socio-economic and technological progression. Initially, Tamil Nadu’s fire services were rudimentary, focusing on small-scale fires with limited equipment. However, rapid industrialization and urbanization necessitated more advanced and efficient fire and rescue services, leading to significant changes in their structure and operations. The study aims to analyze these developments, focusing on the challenges and strategies adopted to overcome them, and the future trajectory of these essential services. A descriptive research approach is employed, utilizing secondary data from various sources including government records, fire station directories, and online resources. The data encompasses historical developments, technological advancements, training protocols, and current challenges faced by the services. Particular emphasis is placed on equipment upgrades, operational protocol changes, and advancements in firefighter training. The Fire and Rescue Services in Tamil Nadu have evolved significantly post-independence, expanding from the foundational Madras Fire Brigade established in the late 19th century. Today, with over 330 fire stations and a substantial workforce, the services are among the largest in India, equipped with advanced machinery and a robust training center. The study also highlights the diverse organizational structure of the services across different regions of Tamil Nadu, ensuring comprehensive coverage and efficient response. In conclusion, the study finds that Tamil Nadu’s Fire and Rescue Services have transformed remarkably, adapting to the state’s dynamic socio-economic landscape. Their commitment to public safety, coupled with the strategic implementation of modern firefighting technologies and training programs, positions them well for future challenges. The department’s journey from basic fire handling to managing complex emergencies in urban and industrial settings exemplifies its resilience and adaptability, making it a model of modernization and efficiency in India’s fire and rescue landscape.</p> A Govindaraj, T Pazhani ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Examining the Impact of Parents’ Education on Students’ Academic Achievements <p>This article undertakes a primary objective to examine the influence exerted by the parents’ education upon the academic achievements of students. Academic success among children is a complex culmination of various factors, with the parents’ education emerging as a notably influential determinant. The synthesis of existing literature within this study aims to provide a comprehensive grasp of how the parents’ education intricately mold the educational courses of students. The foundation of this article lies in a cross-sectional survey design, wherein the parents’ education assumes the role of an independent variable, and the students’ academic attainment as the dependent one. The data collection process involved the administration of a survey questionnaire to 386 students enrolled at 14 high schools located in Makawanpur district, Nepal. Employing linear regression analysis, the study pursued to unravel the impact of the parents’ education on students’ academic achievements. The outcomes of the regression analysis, with a correlation coefficient (R=.711) indicates a positive link between parents’ education and students’ grade points, an R-Square value of .505, indicative of a predictive nature, revealed that 50.5% of the discrepancy in students’ academic achievement can be ascribed to the parents’ education, leaving 49.5% accounted for by other influencing factors. The observed f(1, 384) = 97.185 that exceeded the critical value (3.865) indicates the fitness of the model, and (Sig.) being smaller than .05 implies that the independent variable had a noteworthy impact on the dependent variable. This research investigates the intricate relationship between parents’ instructive backgrounds and their children’s educational feat. The implications of this research extend beyond individual academic accomplishments, influencing educational policies, parental guidance programs, and interventions aimed at narrowing educational disparities.</p> Ram Bahadur Bhandari, Tatwa Prasad Timsina ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Effect of Stationary Circuit and Moving Circuit Trainings on Selected Physical Fitness Components among University Men Students <p>The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of stationary circuit training [SCT] and Moving&nbsp;circuit training [MCT] on selected physical fitness components namely muscular endurance [ME]&nbsp;and cardio respiratory endurance [CRE] among university men students. To achieve this purpose&nbsp;of the study, forty-five men students studying men students studying Department of Physical&nbsp;Education, Annamalai University, Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India were selected as subjects&nbsp;at random. Their age ranged between 18 to 24 years. The selected subjects were divided into&nbsp;three equal groups of fifteen each namely stationary circuit training group [SCTG], Moving circuit&nbsp;training group [MCTG] and control group [CG]. The experimental group I underwent stationary&nbsp;circuit training [SCT] and group II underwent Moving circuit training [MCT] for three days per&nbsp;week for twelve weeks whereas the control group maintained their daily routine activities and no&nbsp;special training was given to them. The following physical fitness components, namely muscular&nbsp;endurance [ME] and cardio respiratory endurance [CRE] were selected as criterion variables. The<br>subjects of the three groups were tested on selected physical fitness components namely muscular&nbsp;endurance and cardio respiratory endurance using standardized tests namely bend knee sit-ups and&nbsp;Cooper’s 12 min Run / Walk test at prior and immediately after the training period. The collected<br>data were analyzed statistically through analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to find out the significant&nbsp;difference, if any among the groups. Whenever the obtained “F” ratio was found to be significant,<br>the Scheffe’s test was applied as post hoc test to find out the paired mean difference, if any. The&nbsp;.05 level of confidence was fixed to test the level of significance which was considered appropriate.&nbsp;The results of the study showed that there was a significant difference exist among SCTG, MCTG&nbsp;and CG on selected physical fitness components namely ME and CRE. And also, SCTG and MCTG&nbsp;showed significant improvement on ME and CRE when compared to control group.&nbsp;</p> P Karthikeyan ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Blurring the Literary Horizons in the Digital Age <p>Literature is the manifestation of the societal, political and cultural factors that govern that society.&nbsp;Every piece of literature is reflective of the shared social values, cultural identity and political&nbsp;ideologies that strengthen the ethnical, linguistic and anthropological studies. Transtition from&nbsp;one age to another is accelerated by the changing standards of living, geo-political influences and&nbsp;cultural values that distinguish one age from the other. The birth of digital era can be traced back&nbsp;to the rapid industralisation, globalization and consumerism culture. The inevitable phenomenon&nbsp;of digitalization has seeped into all fields namely commerce, media, education and healthcare&nbsp;which influence the way of living and living standards. It goes unsaid that literature mirrors the&nbsp;living conditions and characteristics of the age in which it is produced. Therefore, digitalization of&nbsp;literature can be considered as the natural outcome of the digital ways of living.&nbsp;</p> S Nandhini ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Developing Speaking Skills through Watching Web-Series for Second Language Learners <p>The Entertainment industry has seen substantial disruption as a result of the popularity of web series and YouTube channels. Web series are becoming more and more popular in this digital age, mainly by their content but additionally for their accessibility and affordable pricing. Speaking fluently is an important component of communication. Learners of second languages often have trouble with LSRW skills. Speaking abilities can be developed through a wide range of activities. Mobile technology, video games, and television shows have had a significant impact on today’s youth. Additionally, watching web-series with English subtitles make the content easier for the audience to understand. It impacts the learner’s vocabulary and its sub-skills of pronunciation, intonation, and fluency, as well as their desire to watch more information. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to determine all the factors that web series information executes to influence vocabulary growth.</p> M Pavithra, K Rajkumar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Review on Ancient Tamil Architecture: A Immortal Heritage of Creativity and Artistic Perfection <p>Ancient Tamil architecture spans millennia, and it is an acknowledgement of the rich cultural and creative legacy of the Tamil people and Tamil community. Originating from the Sangam period (300 BCE to 300 CE) the architecture of Tamil Nadu is deeply intertwined with the rich cultural, social, and political developments that shaped the region over centuries. The architectural legacy of Tamil Nadu, best known for its Dravidian-style temples, has taken shape throughout different periods, leaving a unique imprint on the terrain. Also, ancient Tamil architecture is characterized by its use of granite, delicate carvings, mandapa (pillared hall), vimanas, ornate detailing, and deep spiritual and religious meanings. These ancient temples act as cosmic blueprints, outlining cosmology and showing the soul’s journey to enlightenment. However, these historical sites are under threat from urbanization, environmental degradation, and neglect. Conservation and preservation initiatives are vital for preserving cultural heritage places. In this review article, will help to learn how Tamil architects continue to be inspired by the creative structural components, elaborate carvings, and spiritual symbols found in Tamil temples, thereby contributing to the preservation or evolution of Tamil architectural traditions.</p> Arulraj Ramalingam ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Airavateshwar Temple at Darasuram a Lesser-Known Historical Monument - An Architectural Marvel Promoting Globalisation and Cultural Identity <p>Globalization refers to the interconnectedness and interdependence of nations, economies, cultures,&nbsp;and societies worldwide. It is a multifaceted phenomenon driven by advances in technology,&nbsp;communication, transportation, and trade. Cultural identity usually refers to an individual’s sense&nbsp;of belonging towards a particular culture including shared traditions, beliefs, values, customs,&nbsp;language, and heritage. It shapes individuals’ understanding of who they are and where they&nbsp;come from, influencing their behaviors, attitudes, and interactions with others. Understanding and&nbsp;respecting cultural identity is essential for promoting diversity, inclusion, and mutual understanding&nbsp;in multicultural societies. Embracing cultural differences and fostering dialogue and exchange&nbsp;among diverse communities can contribute to building more inclusive and harmonious societies&nbsp;that celebrate the richness and complexity of human cultural heritage. The Airavatesvara Temple is&nbsp;indeed a remarkable monument located in Darasuram, a village near Kumbakonam in the state of&nbsp;Tamil Nadu, India. It is one of the UNESCO World Heritage Sites and forms a part of the Greatest&nbsp;Live Chola Temples, along with the Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjavur and the Gangaikonda<br>Cholapuram Temple. Built by Rajaraja Chola II in the 12th century CE, the Airavatesvara Temple&nbsp;is dedicated to Lord Shiva and showcases the brilliant architecture and intricate carvings typical&nbsp;of Chola dynasty temples. The temple is celebrated for its spectacular vimana (tower) and intricate&nbsp;sculptures that adorn its walls and pillars. This research study is part of the ICSSR Minor Research&nbsp;Project 2022-23 on Identification and Appreciation of Lesser-known Historical Monuments that&nbsp;Promote Tourism, History, Heritage and Economy with Special Reference to Tamil Nadu. This&nbsp;research study on the Airavateshwar Temple at Darasuram a lesser - known historical monuments&nbsp;- An architectural marvel promoting Globalisation and cultural Identitywill focus on the history,&nbsp;geography and architecture of the Airavateshwara Temple. It will also give details of how this&nbsp;lesser-known historical monument can promote, tourism, history, heritage and economy in Tamil&nbsp;Nadu as well as globalisation and its cultural.</p> J Cinthia ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Investigation into Learning Style of Higher Secondary School Students in Namakkal District <p>This evaluation shows the academic performance of high school students in Namakwa district. It&nbsp;attempts to determine the relationship between educational models and educational success, as&nbsp;well as various demographic factors such as gender, language of instruction, location of the school,&nbsp;type of management and school category. In this study, The Learning Style Inventory developed by&nbsp;Dr. Devashayam Selvakumar was used. In 2003, used five items to measure participants’ interest&nbsp;in learning. The study aims to show the importance of differences between the subjects of different&nbsp;groups of people through a theoretical analysis. The results show that the initial academic standards&nbsp;of high school students are average. More importantly, the analysis revealed gender differences in&nbsp;academic standards, with male students scoring higher than female students. Additionally, students&nbsp;from urban environments showed better academic scores compared to students from rural areas.&nbsp;Differences between school type and control were also clear; Female students in coeducational and&nbsp;public schools reported higher academic scores. This study encourages the expansion of education&nbsp;in different areas and at different ages and recommends the inclusion of different courses outside&nbsp;high school, such as teacher training. In order to better understand students’ learning patterns, it<br>is recommended to repeat this study in different regions and expand the sample.&nbsp;</p> T Mahendran, V Sankar ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Role of Social Media Campaign: New Era of Election War and their Impacts in India <p>Political campaigning has been transformed by the rise of social media platforms, especially in the context of Indian elections. This study investigates how social media campaigns affect the dynamics of elections and their wider effects on the democratic process in India. This study investigates how political parties and candidates use social media to interact with voters, spread campaign messages, and rally support via a thorough examination of current electoral patterns and case studies. Additionally, it explores how social media affects voter behaviour, the sharing of information, and political debate, taking into account both the advantages and disadvantages of this new paradigm. The study also looks into how internet groups and influencers affect public opinion and election results. Additionally, it discusses how social media campaigns affect election integrity, transparency,accountability and election monitoring. Social media makes it easier for political parties and candidates to quickly and efficiently contact a large number of people. Politicians differ from traditional media in that they may use social media to actively communicate with prospective voters. Voters are more engaged in a campaign when political parties and candidates use social media to communicate their objectives, successes, and points of view with the general public. Based on the uses and gratification theory, the current study examines the development and application of social media as a platform for political campaigning during election season.</p> B Balakumaraguru, R Sankar Ganesh ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Inclusive Education: Accelerating Learning for All <p>This paper explores the pivotal role of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in inclusive education, focusing on accelerating learning for diverse students. UDL, rooted in inclusivity, offers a framework for removing educational barriers and promoting individualized learning. The paper discusses key UDL principles and highlights its significance for equity, improved learning outcomes, legal compliance, and enhanced teaching practices. Furthermore, it emphasizes the seamless integration of UDL into inclusive education, addressing diverse learning styles, fostering collaboration, and creating a culture of inclusivity. The alignment of UDL with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in India is also explored. Despite benefits, challenges such as teacher training and resource constraints are discussed. The paper underscores that overcoming these challenges necessitates a collective commitment to UDL. In conclusion, UDL plays a critical role in accelerating learning for all students, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable educational system and society.</p> V Priyadharsini, R Sahaya Mary ##submission.copyrightStatement## Mon, 01 Apr 2024 00:00:00 +0000