Problems of the Life of Fishermen in the Literaryworks of C. Berlin

சி.பெர்லின் படைப்புகளில் மீனவர்களின் வாழ்வியல் சிக்கல்கள்

  • E Karna M.Phil Scholar, Department of Tamil, Gandhigramma Rural University, Gandhigrammam
Keywords: Tamil Novels, Criticism, Ethnological Novel, Fisherman’s Life, C. Berlin, Kadal adi, Kadal thanni karuthirukku


Kanyakumari district is one of the most popular fishing grounds in Tamil Nadu.By exploring the problems of the fishermen who live there, one is able to understand the nature, customs and uniqueness of the ancient Life. Born in the fishing community of Kurumbanai in Kanyakumari district, C. Berlin is well versed in the maritime problems
that fishermen face on a daily basis and also the problems they face outside the sea. That is why his works, such as ‘ kadal thanni karikkuthu’ (Short Story), Kadal adi (Novel), stress the problems and pains of fishermen.

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