Feminist Thoughts in Subrabharathimanian Novels

சுப்ரபாரதிமணியன் புதினங்கள் காட்டும் பெண்ணியச் சிந்தனைகள்

  • B Adeline Jennifer Ph.D. Scholar, (Part Time), Registration Number: 19131244022011
  • Joe. Jepamalar Vinces Manimala Saral Thakkar College, Tirunelveli Manonmaniyam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3788-1537
Keywords: Tamil Novels, Feminist Thoughts, Literature, Sexual Problems Subrabharathimanian


It can be said that there is no literature that does not depict women from the Sanskrit period to the present. They change with each passing season. At the same time as the changes are taking place, the female structure is facing many more ups and downs in the society. Women have a variety of problems, such as sexual problems, workplace problems, family problems, and domineering problems. The study is set to illustrate the way in which Subramanian deals with such situations in his novels.

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