Marginalized People in Adavan Deetchanya’s Poems

ஆதவன் தீட்சண்யாவின் கவிதைகளில் விளிம்பு நிலை மக்கள்

Keywords: Tamil Moder Pomes, Aadhavan Dheetchanya Poetry, Poems that Demonstrate Social Strikes, Marginal People


In our community, the margin of the backward people by the education of the community. It is working people to do all the work required for their livelihood to the possession. There are today among the people who live their work to others, as untouchables. A literary creation must be aware of social strikes. Thus, the Poems of Aadhavan Dheetchanya demonstrate the rights of the rights of the rims, demonstrating the rights of the people, and the revolutionary voice raised in order to get their ownership. This article on the Poetry of Aadhavan Dheetchanya , which is questioning the community that excludes working people.

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