Ancient Tamil Community Showing Paan Aatruppadai Literature

பாண் ஆற்றுப்படை இலக்கியங்கள் காட்டும் பண்டையத் தமிழ்ச் சமூகம்

Keywords: Sangam Literature, Sirupannarupadai, Perumpannarupadai Aatruppadai, Family, Dwelling System, Plowing, Music Industry, Wood Industry, Iron Industry, Pottery Industry, Salt Trade, Economic Status, Biography of Artists, Majesty of Emperor, Religion


Sangam literature is a medium for expressing the life of the Sangam people. The people who lived in the Sangam era lived in poverty and luxury. This article is aimed at highlighting the Tamil community as expressed in the literature of the Paan Aatruppadai, the Sirupaanaatruppadai and the Perumpaanaatruppadai. This illustrates the importance and significance of the Paan Aatruppadai literature.The way of life of the Sangakkala people such as family, food, dress, costumes and accommodation are also explored. The occupations of the ancients such as plowing, music, wood industry, iron industry, pottery industry, salt trade and the economic status of the people are discussed. News on the biographies of artists, the majesty of the emperor, the customs of the people, and religion are explored. The social status of the Palanthamil shown by the Paann Aatruppadai has been extensively explored.

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