Valliakan - A Review

வல்லியக்கன்: ஒரு மீள்பார்வை

Keywords: Valliakkan, Kavadi. Murugan, Valli's husband, cults, beliefs about the origin of Kavadi, contemporary status


Deity is not just belief. It depends on our culture and cultural values. If we lose the God we worship and the system of worship, we lose all of the above. Therefore, if a man loses faith in his race he must also lose faith in his God. To lose such is the social invasion of proselytizing or proselytizing. With the rise of Vedic religions, we abandoned our clan deity and village deity worship. By this we give up our individuality and the continuity of our ancestors and their worship. This article has researched and revealed about the worship of Valliakkan that was abandoned and that Valliakkan is the husband of Valli.

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