Tree Type Elements Showing Tolkappiyam Genetics in Sangam Literature

சங்க இலக்கியத்தில் தொல்காப்பிய - மரபியல் காட்டும் மரவகை உறுப்புக்கள்

Keywords: Tholkappiyam, Tree type, Elements, Genetics, Sangam Literature


Tolkappiyam is the oldest grammar book in Tamil. It is divided into three chapters Ezhuthathigaram, Cholathigaram, Porulathigaram. Thokappiya Porulathigaram discriminates in three genetics. They are as follows 1.Juvenility names (Youthful names) 2. Masculine names, 3. Feminine names. Tolkappiyam was the first to introduce one to six biological discriminations to the world in Tamil. The purpose of this article is to examine the tree type elements of the Tolkappiya genetics in the Sangam literature and to describe the tree type elements found in the Sangam literature and its changes and developments.

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