Reviewer Guidelines

Steps to be followed before Reviewing

  • The article you asked to be reviewed must match with your expertise. If it does not match kindly inform to the editor as soon as possible and also recommend an alternate reviewer if possible.
  • Shanlax International Journal of English (SIJEg) provides 2-4 weeks to complete your review of an article. If you think that it will take more than four weeks kindly inform to the editor.
  • If you feel there are any conflicts of interest, it is important to disclose all conflicts of interest to the editors by discussion. Also, contact the editorial office for any questions or clarifications you further need to know about potential conflicts of interest.
  • Any manuscripts received for review must be kept confidential, Kindly not discussed with others.

At Review

While reviewing the article kindly note the following points

  • Does the article contain novelty and interesting content to notify for publication, check its importance and knowledge sharing to the research community? Check whether the question raised by the article is important to the research.
  • To determine whether it is original and suitable for the journal.
  • Whether or if the article has sufficient information. If not, what information is needed and specify?
  • Inform the mistakes in the article and give your suggestions for correcting it. If you find any problematic area in the article suggests removing or guiding with a suitable solution. Suggest that major concerns be included in the improved article. Those ideas should also possibly enhance the article.

Guidelines for Written Comments

Kindly give detailed comments about your review findings.

  • The journal forwards your comments to the author for further improvement of the article. Kindly avoid personal and harsh comments.
  • Make the comments short and constructive one.
  • Ensure that your comments should help the author to improve the article.
  • Kindly indicate the section of comments separately to editor and author.


Accept Submission, Revisions Required, Resubmit for Review, Decline Submission