Connection between Breast Cancer and Poverty
Poverty is associated with the higher cancer rates, cancer risk factors like tobacco used and obesity, and lack of access to cancer screening and the treatment. Breast cancer may be caused by the occurrence of malignant tumors, is one of the structures of composing the organs, which is formed due to uncontrolled reproduction of cells that went through a complex process of transformation and may evolve by direct extension or through metastatic dissemination. The main symptoms are palpable nodes and deformations especially the cambers or retractions in the breast part. Constitutional symptoms such as asthenia, fever and weight loss may also compose a clinical condition. People with lower socio economic status have high cancer deaths than those with higher socio economic status, regardless of the demographic factors which includes race/ethnicity. Only small things can be known about the breast cancer among economically disadvantaged women, except the two generally accepted facts, low income women are likely to be diagnosed more with the later stage of the disease and have higher mortality rates. Being uninsured may lead to health services, and thereby creating delays or even the absence of screening, diagnostic and also the treatment services. Lack of access may account for women diagnosed when the cancer is advanced, reducing the women’s chances of survival.
Copyright (c) 2022 A Sangamithra, S Thilagavathy

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