Major Health Care Programmes in Karnataka

  • H Sudhakara Full Time Guest Faculty in Economics, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Keywords: health care, Health Centers, NGO, Death rate, mortality rate, Primary Health Centres


The health care sector in India comprises of hospitals and allied sectors such as, diagnostics and pathology, medical equipments and supplies, medical tourism and private medical insurance. Although India’s health care
system has gradually improved in the last few decades, it continues to lag behind those of its neighbouring countries. The poor state of health care in India may be attributed to the lack of government funding on health care initiatives, as estimated reveal that the per capita spending on health care by the Indian Government is far below international recommendations. India’s health care infrastructure has been steady improvement in the recent past but much remains to be accomplished. Despite a steady increase in the number of medical establishments in the country, there still remains a severe shortage of sub-centres. Lack of adequate health care is also reflected in the low density of health care personnel.

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How to Cite
Sudhakara, H. (2017). Major Health Care Programmes in Karnataka. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 5(3), 64-71. Retrieved from