A Study of Select English Commercial Advertisements of Pedagogic Value

  • K Syed Ali Bhadhusha Assistant Professor of English, Sadakathullah Appa College (Autonomous), Tirunelveli
Keywords: advertisements, innovative methods, commercial products, product names, conversational and vocabulary building process, taglines and slogans


Presently the Commercial Organizations and Business Houses vie with one another in creating and retaining their market. The advertisers employ all sorts of creative, attractive, novel and innovative methods for gaining momentum for their products among the consumers. In line with this, in order to turn the attention of the customers they concentrate much on naming the products and designing the wrappers and covers. According to the prerequisite of the changing trends of the society they introduce catchy, short and sweet product names, taglines and slogans. There is a vast difference between the names of the present commercial products and the past ones. More or less it is due to the highly-educated, well-informed and knowledgeable members of the society. Currently due to the advent of ICT the entire environment is educative and enlightening. Thus people learn things everywhere and at every time. The Information and Communication Technology and the English  Language contribute a lot for this. The English advertisements of commercial products that we see around have the potentials for English Language Learning and Teaching. The researcher of this Paper has taken a sample of English commercials that have some pedagogic value for the study. The attempt is a new one. The study examines the linguistic elements of English commercials and how they can be made use of in the day to day affairs of conversational and vocabulary building processes. As everything is subject to change, the process of English Language Teaching could also be put into the changing process. The teaching – learning process can be an effective and an entertaining one, only when the new, novel or innovative methods are introduced in ELT. The study examines the main possible aspects of using the names of commercial advertisements in ELT and suggests how language teachers could exploit them in the formal and informal way.

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How to Cite
Syed Ali Bhadhusha, K. (2016). A Study of Select English Commercial Advertisements of Pedagogic Value. Shanlax International Journal of English, 4(4), 1-8. Retrieved from https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/english/article/view/3043