Shattering of Women’s Silence in Indian Writing in English with Particular Reference to Shobhaa De’s “Snapshot”

  • S Naga Lakshmi Assistant Professor of English, Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai
Keywords: Indian writing in English, Silence, shattering, voice, modern, sex


The current scenario has forced the Indian women writers to speak out on their issues, to empower their individuality. Earlier women were restrained to think that silence is the only way to live.. Shobhaa De has shattered this traditional notion. This paper aims to throw lights on the changes, in the voice of women, in Indian writing in English, with special reference to Shobhaa de’s Snapshot.

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How to Cite
Naga Lakshmi, S. (2013). Shattering of Women’s Silence in Indian Writing in English with Particular Reference to Shobhaa De’s “Snapshot”. Shanlax International Journal of English, 1(4), 1-4. Retrieved from