A Study of Learning Style and Academic Achievement of the Student at Standard XIth Level

  • D Vincey Assistant Professor in English, DMI College of Education, Tiruvallur
  • N Pugalenthi Associate Professor in Biological Science, SRKV College of Education, Coimbatore
Keywords: Learning Style, Academic Achievement, XIth Standard level


The present study explored the extent to which the Learning Style and Academic Achievement of the Students at Standard XIth level. The survey research method was used for the study. In the present study sample of 200 students (100 boys and 100 girls) were taken by using proposanate simple random sampling technique. Learning Style tools developed by the investigator on 2016 were used for data collection. Moreover, for academic achievement Marks obtained in the XIth class of the State board, aided and Matriculation board for assessing the achievement of students. The findings of the study revealed that:(i)There is no significant difference between boys and girls XIth standard level school students learning style.(ii)There is no significant difference between boys and girls XIth standard level school students academic achievement

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