Religious Intolerance in Marriage in Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy & Two Lives

  • M Dayana Catherin Department of English, Sakthi College of Arts and Science for Women, Oddanchatram, Tamil Nadu, India


kramseth is an Indian norelist, poet and travel writer, best knew for his epic novel ‘A suitable boy’. He has been in the field of writing for more than three decades and is regarded as one of the most influential writer of the modern area. His first book, a collection of poems titled ‘mappings’ did not get much attention. But the came into attention with his second book ‘From heavenlake’ which chronicaled his journey from china to India. The novel ‘The Golden Gate’ published in 1986 made him one off the most highly acclaimed novelists of his time and the book won him plenty of accolades from readers as well as critics. However, it was his novel ‘a suitable boy’ that really catapulted him intotheleague of the most well known novelists of his time and remains his most famous work. The novel is one of the longest novels written in the English language and he is regard as a modern classic due to the range of topics that it touched upon.He has recevied several awards including padma shri, sahitya akademi award. Pravasi bhard samman, WH smith literary awardand crossword book award Seth’s collections of poetry such as ‘mapping’ and ‘beastly tales’ are notsble contributions to the indian englishlanguage poetrycanon.

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How to Cite
Dayana Catherin, M. (2018). Religious Intolerance in Marriage in Vikram Seth’s A Suitable Boy & Two Lives. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(2), 209-213. Retrieved from