Three Facets of Jewish Diasporic Experience in the Selected Poems of A.M. Klein and Irving Layton

  • J Das *Ph.D. Research Scholar, PG and Research Department of English, Periyar EVR College (A), Trichy
  • T Jayakumar **Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of English, Periyar EVR College (A), Trichy
Keywords: Jewish Canadian Literature, Diaspora, Nostalgia, Anti-Semitism, Jewish Culture and Tradition, Holocaust


This paper analyses the selected poems of A.M. Klein and Irving Layton, prominent writers of Canadian Literature. Some features of Jewish Diaspora are discussed in this paper. It is understood through their poems that the diasporic experience of Jews identically differs from other diasporas. The poems written by both the poets picture the diasporic experience of Jews in their host lands – very importantly their bitter experience – the holocaust and the common diasporic elements can also be found in their poems.

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How to Cite
Das, J., & Jayakumar, T. (2016). Three Facets of Jewish Diasporic Experience in the Selected Poems of A.M. Klein and Irving Layton. Shanlax International Journal of English, 4(3), 1-8. Retrieved from