Feminism in R.K. Narayan's The Dark Room and The Guide

  • KM Ruby Research Scholar, C.C.S. University, Meerut, India
Keywords: Exploitation, Marginalized, Predicament, Socio-political, Self-reliance, Underestimated


Narayan is among the best known and most widely read Indian novelists who wrote in English. Although Narayan never accepted the fact that he was a feminist. But we find such traits in some of his novels which appeal to feminism. In this paper I will explore the portrayal of women and language used for them in the light of feminism with special reference of The Guide and The Dark Room.

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How to Cite
Ruby, K. (2018). Feminism in R.K. Narayan’s The Dark Room and The Guide. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(3), 31-35. Retrieved from https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/english/article/view/31