The Augmentation of Existentialism: Robinson Crusoe’s Character

  • Adama Bah Department of Studies in English, University of Mysore, Mysore, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Existentialism, Being, Becoming, Freedom, Human existence, Human being, Nothingness


The novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe, theme depicts the philosophy of existentialism. Existentialism argues the existence of humans through freedom of choice of the existence of who or what to become. The Robinson Crusoe character’s struggle to realize his freedom of life and defend his existence exemplars the existentialism. Robinson was adamant to his fathers’ advice and went to the sea. This paper discusses the characteristics of existentialism evident in the novel Robinson Crusoe. These aspects include the essence of existence, existence precedes essence, human alienation or estrangement, Fear and Trembling Anxiety, The Encounter with Nothingness, and Freedom. The relationships between existence and freedom of choice in human life establish the fact on augmentation of existentialism, as seen in Robinson Crusoe Character.

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How to Cite
Bah, A. (2020). The Augmentation of Existentialism: Robinson Crusoe’s Character. Shanlax International Journal of English, 8(4), 35-39.