Existence and Alienation in AmitavGhosh’s The Glass Palace

  • N Saranya Ph.D., Research Scholar (FT), Department of English Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
  • SP. Sasi Rekha Associate Professor of English, Department of English, Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Search for Identity, Alienation, Rootlessness, Existence survival


The existence craving at no time gratified. This paper deliberates round the substantial and diaspora adversity which speculates the peculiar facets of the country. The nation endures with the content of partition, rootlessness, alienation and search for identity. Amitav Ghosh distinctly interprets the jolt of the dispute on the ignorant lives of the country people. Ghosh’s novel The Glass Palace exposes the three lives of discrete generation. The protagonists of the fiction were uprooted from their inhabitant lands and agonize for their survival in the new space. The author characterized his protagonists with the challenges in search for their identity throughout their journey. The people dominance array the probability for survival in any crisis. The novel sailed around pandemic of two countries and bothering of many people. The British power and Japanese invaded the prevailing life and even dynamic were uprooted. The people regulate all over their life in a modified factors, recent land and people. The characters in the fiction sense the feel of alienation and for their reality of Existence.

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How to Cite
Saranya, N., & Sasi Rekha, S. (2020). Existence and Alienation in AmitavGhosh’s The Glass Palace. Shanlax International Journal of English, 9(S1-i2-Dec), 18–21. https://doi.org/10.34293/english.v9iS1-i2-Dec.3684