Language, Literature and Creativity: A Fusion for Human Development

  • Sumathi K Sripathi Senior Lecturer, DMI St. Eugene University-IVDL Chibombo, Lusaka, Zambia
Keywords: writing patterns, fusion, literary prospects, lingua franca, linguistic, June Jordon


The paper aims to bring in an understanding of the concept of Language, Literature and Creativity, which enhances human sensibilities, thereby enforcing a fusion among the three to sustain humanity. It is crucial to bring in the focus as the fusion of language, literature and creativity produces prominent work of art. As far as English Literature is concerned writers of outstanding works of art using this ideology to bring in a remarkable literary piece of work into reality. This perspective brings rapid change to the existing order of writing patterns and at the same time, arouses interests to the audience. Emphasis is made to break the stereotype systems to establish the positivistic nature of the human inquiry. The future of humanities of English Literature dwells in the fusion which can be realised in most writings of literature.

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How to Cite
Sripathi, S. K. (2019). Language, Literature and Creativity: A Fusion for Human Development. Shanlax International Journal of English, 7(3), 21-25.