Socio-Economic Background of Auto-Rickshaw Drivers

  • Harish Tigari Assistant Professor and Co-ordinator, Davan PG Studies, Davangere, Karnataka, India
  • H B Santhosh Davan PG Studies, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Auto-rickshaw, Transportation, Socio-economic, Working condition


Auto rickshaw are the convenient way of transportation within the cities and most of the people are trusted their day to day life activities of travelling from the place to their destination, The drivers are play a crucial role in travelling under the informal economy of service sector, The Auto Drivers are get into during this profession with a hope of earn an honest income for leading their life, Some Drivers are Partially involved in other works with their interested area, The drivers aren’t highly qualified in education although they’re leading an honest life within the society, The auto drivers are face a many issues in working environment like health issues, lack of infrastructure facility and Traffic regulation etc. they need a highly competition between them majorly city busses and two-wheelers are partially effects to their earnings, they supply a 24/7 services with their commitment, The study targeting the present socio-financial condition of Auto Drivers, Their earning and dealing condition.

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How to Cite
Tigari, H., & Santhosh, H. B. (2020). Socio-Economic Background of Auto-Rickshaw Drivers. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 8(1), 48-53.