Attitude of Students Towards Entrepreneurship Education

  • S Ilayaraja Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies (DDE), MK University, Madurai, Research Scholar, Dept. of Business Administration, ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Tirunelveli
  • R Menaka Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies (DDE), Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship Education, Graduates as entrepreneurs, Growth & generate jobs, Mini-company programme


Entrepreneurship and small business creation are cornerstones of economic Development throughout the world. Entrepreneurial development today has assumed special importance, since it is a key to economic development. The impact of entrepreneurship education has been recognized as one of the crucial factors that help youths to understand and foster an attitude toward entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship education provides a great potential for the establishment of new, small businesses. There is huge opportunity for developing graduates as entrepreneurs. However, this potential is not exploited to its full extent. Entrepreneurial education is one of the best ways to support growth and generate jobs. New businesses are the single biggest source of new jobs in India – and education, to be sure, helps create businesses. Between 15 % and 20 % of secondary-school students who participate in a mini-company programme in which students develop or simulate the operations of a real firm – will later start their own companies. And even those who don’t start businesses are still better positioned in the job market. According to recent research, 78 % of entrepreneurship education alumni were employed directly after graduating university, compared to just 59 % of a control group of higher education students.

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