A Study of the Resilience Characteristics of Secondary School Teachers of Badvel Mandal of Kadapa District

  • DP Narasimhulu Research Scholar, Department of Education, Dravidian University, Kuppam, Chittoor Dist., A.P. State


Teacher is a living personality competent force, forward movement transcending the educational setup in every corner of the world. Man is in search of a substitute, but no substitute has yet been found for a teacher. With the birth of this new millennium the development of the new portrait of the teacher depends upon the multifaceted roles the teacher has to play in the society. A teacher is the predominant strength of the whole educational setup and what strength a teacher requires for her profession to progress and for her to become successful is a question to be answered honestly. Commitment, abilities, potentialities, capacities, proficiency, aptness, adroitness are the characteristics traits inborn as talents in every individual which may later develop through education and experience also. This inborn strength will give fruitful results in determined. Resiliency is a potent force, which serves as a protective factor in the resilient individual. IN the resilient individual multi-dimensional growth occurs despite challenging life events. The resilience characteristics serve as protective factors to facilitate coping, promote, social competence and help ensure success in all walks of life. Resilience characteristics in teacher ensure success in teaching. Successful teaching is effective teaching

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How to Cite
Narasimhulu, D. (2016). A Study of the Resilience Characteristics of Secondary School Teachers of Badvel Mandal of Kadapa District. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 5(1), 25-31. Retrieved from https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/education/article/view/2728