Low English Learning and Academic Performance in English with Respect to Medium of Study, Mode of Living and Parent’s Occupation

  • S Parimala M.Sc.,(Che), M.Sc.,(Psy), M.A., (Eng), M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., Principal, Kasthooribha Gandhi College of Education, Masakalipatty-637401, Namakkal District


The present study belongs to Normative Survey Research. The background variables used are medium, Parent’s Occupation and mode of living among the higher secondary students. Low English Learning tool was developed by the investigator it consists of 50 statements for the analysis. For Academic Performance the investigator got the Half–yearly Examination marks from the respective schools, along with a personal data sheet to know the background of the students. Random sampling technique was followed in this study. Data was collected from 150 samples from XI standard students in Namakkal district. The statistical technique used mean, standard deviation and ‘t’ test. There is significant difference between Tamil and English medium XI standard students in their low English learning and Academic  Performance. There is no significant difference between the XI standard students on their low English learning and Academic Performance with their Parent’s Occupation. There is significant difference between Hostel and Day scholar XI standard students in their low English learning and Academic Performance.

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How to Cite
Parimala, S. (2016). Low English Learning and Academic Performance in English with Respect to Medium of Study, Mode of Living and Parent’s Occupation. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 5(1), 36-42. Retrieved from https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/education/article/view/2730