An Assessment of the Interference Level of Teachers and Pupils in Palakkad District on Environmental Issues in Kerala

  • R Satheesan Ph. D Research Scholar, Department of Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
  • NO Nellaiyapen Head of the Department, Department of Education, Annamalai University
Keywords: Environmental issues, Teachers and Pupils interference on Environmental issues in Kerala, Methods of interference


Nowadays the world is facing a severe environmental destruction and degradation in the form of serious threat from atmospheric pollution, Ozone layer depletion, extinction of many species of flora and fauna, habitat destruction, soil erosion, increase of temperature etc. All these problems are associated with the exploitation of the nature without any concern about the other species in the world. So recently teachers and Pupils show great interest in the area of environmental studies and it has become an essential part of the study. Therefore this study assesses the interference level of teachers and Pupils in Palakkad District on the environmental issues in Kerala as the same seems to be very significant to assess their interference level on the environmental issues in Kerala. 

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How to Cite
Satheesan, R., & Nellaiyapen, N. (2016). An Assessment of the Interference Level of Teachers and Pupils in Palakkad District on Environmental Issues in Kerala. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 5(1), 48-54. Retrieved from