Problems Encountered by Students in Enriching Vocabulary in English at IX Standard Students

  • P Perumal Ph.D Research Scholar, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Education (Autonomous), Periyanayakanpalayam, Coimbatore
  • S Rajaguru Associate professor, Sri Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Education (Autonomous) Periyanayakanpalayam, Coimbatore


Language is a distinctive human quality expressed through a system of arbitrary, vocal symbols. This is what makes human unique and distinguishing from other creatures. Language helps people to express their feelings and emotions towards others. Like a prism, language reflects the manifold shades of human thoughts, emotions and actions. 222 IX standard students were selected from Coimbatore by Simple Random Sampling. The samples of the study were selected from three different types of institution. The major findings of the study were 1.There is no significant difference between the boys and girls the problems encountered by students in enriching vocabulary in English at male and female of IX standard students, 2 There is no significant difference between the Rural boys and Rural girls the problems encountered by students in enriching vocabulary in English at male and female of IX standard students, 3.There is no significant difference between the Urban boys and Urban girls the problems encountered by students in enriching vocabulary in English at male and female of IX standard students

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How to Cite
Perumal, P., & Rajaguru, S. (2015). Problems Encountered by Students in Enriching Vocabulary in English at IX Standard Students. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 3(4), 14-22. Retrieved from