A Study of Emotional Adjustment and Academic Achievement Among Selected High School Students in Coimbatore District

  • J Augustus Richard Assistant Professor, PPG College of Education, Coimbatore
  • C Sumathi Assistant Professor, PPG College of Education, Coimbatore


Emotional adjustment also referred to as personal adjustment or psychological adjustment, is the maintenance of emotional equilibrium in the face of internal and external stressors. This is facilitated by cognitive processes of acceptance and adaptation. There are many instances where even highly intelligent people fail to manage their emotions and some average intelligent persons manage their emotions effectively and harmoniously. Human being is considered as a rational being. Emotions may hamper the studies of students and occupations of people. In some people emotions may lead to crimes, because people lose reasoning power and their ability to control behaviour is hampered. Hence, emotional control and management is very essential for an adjusted life. This paper pictures in detail the emotional adjustment and academic achievement of high school students and its relationship. The investigator has adopted survey method using standardized tool. The results of data analysis are tabulated and analysed using appropriate statistical techniques. The findings were made as a result of careful interpretations.

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How to Cite
Augustus Richard, J., & Sumathi, C. (2015). A Study of Emotional Adjustment and Academic Achievement Among Selected High School Students in Coimbatore District. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 3(3), 50-54. Retrieved from https://www.shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/education/article/view/2794