Enhancing 6th Grade Students’ Learning in Social Studies through Technology Based Teaching Approach

Keywords: Technology based Teaching Approach, Social Studies, 6th Grade Students, Bhutan


This quasi experimental study examined the effect of technology based teaching approaches on the 6th grade students’ learning in social studies subject. The participants of the study included two classes of 6th grade students: control group (n=25) and experimental group (n=24) in one of the middle schools in Bhutan. The research instruments consisted of experimental group treatment, survey questionnaire and semi-structured interview questions. The result suggested that there is an affirmative effect of technology based teaching approaches on the 6th grade students’ social studies learning achievement test. It was found that mean test scores of the experimental group were higher than the control group on pretest and post test analysis. Further, the findings from the study established that students had a positive perception of learning through technology based instructions, as learners enjoyed, and were better able to understand, what has been taught. The findings from the study concluded that teaching through technology based approaches enhanced students’ learning in the classroom, so, it is recommended that teachers apply technology based instructions as a tool to maximize student learning. In addition, building of smart classrooms through digitalization could support students with learning difficulties in different subjects.

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How to Cite
Gyeltshen, L., & English, R. (2021). Enhancing 6th Grade Students’ Learning in Social Studies through Technology Based Teaching Approach. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 10(1), 106-113. https://doi.org/10.34293/education.v10i1.4435